省略AC Series Optical Adapters
省略®提供各种适配器,适用于旺盛频率系列的高功率LED UV固化系统,以满足更广泛的应用。必威平台怎么样连接到Emnicure LED UV系统的正面,交流光学适配器将较小的高输出电源转换为更大的区域,同时优化光功率并提供均匀分布的辐照度和均匀性。
The AC Optical Adapters are currently available in the following configurations with other custom sizes available upon request:
- 100 mm x 100 mm
- 100 mm x 150 mm
- 70 mm x 70 mm
- 8 mm x 350 mm
For custom sizes not listed above, contact us to discuss your specific requirements.
For custom sizes not listed above, contact us to discuss your specific requirements.