Excelitas CGA 4230 AR1 Linear Flashlamp
PART/ CGA 4230 AR1

CGA 4230 AR1 (H) Linear Flashlamp

The Excelitas CGA 4230 AR1 Linear Flashlamp features a B1 envelope construction with 220 - 400 V anode voltage range and a nominal operating voltage of 380 V. It is capable of 10 second flash rate over a service life of 1,000 flashes. This flashtube has an outer diameter of 3.15 mm and an arc length of 30 mm.




Electronics flashtubes are gas discharge devices for pulse operation. Xenon is used as a fill-gas for most applications. The flash duration ranges usually between 10 us to 10 ms. For stroboscopic and beacon operations, the discharges are produced periodically and often over a longer period of time. In most cases the stroboscopic frequency ranges between 1 Hz to several kHz. Higher frequencies require special flashtubes and/or circuitries.

  • 配置:线性形状
  • 包络材料:N / A.
  • Energy per flash: 40 Ws
  • 阳极电压类风湿性关节炎nge: 220 - 400 Volts
  • 能量(WS)/功率(瓦):N / A
  • Flash Rate: 10 sec
  • Life: 1,000 flashes
  • 标称工作电压:380伏特
  • 配置:线性形状
  • 包络材料:N / A.
  • Energy per flash: 40 Ws
  • 阳极电压类风湿性关节炎nge: 220 - 400 Volts
  • 能量(WS)/功率(瓦):N / A
  • Flash Rate: 10 sec
  • Life: 1,000 flashes
  • 标称工作电压:380伏特
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